This is, your guide to online privacy. A site dedicated to Operational Security (OPSEC) in an online setting. Tech companies are not just selling your data. They are changing your opinions and behaviour. Learn how to take back your personal data and start using the web. The alternative is to continue in your ways by letting the web use you.
Most of the internet's problems could be solved if more people took online privacy seriously, so the objective of this site is to guide any normal person through the process of learning basic Online Operational Security.
The Fundamentals
Understanding Privacy Online
Learn the true origins of the Internet and what it means to be private online. How the internet works at a foundational level and how by understanding a few basic concepts you can intuitively protect yourself from trackers and keep corporations from fleecing you of your personal data.
⏳ This "fundamentals course" can take as little as an hour or even less.
Let's Get Started!
Privacy Put into Action
How-to guides and resources to help you learn to use the tools you already know how to use but privately.
In the Works...
These articles are still under construction.
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On the look out for...
There are other articles not currently under construction which we would like to add to If you have experience with any of these, you may submit an article for review on the Github. Attempt to follow the same settings as other articles here.
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If you enjoyed then consider giving back by creating your own online platform. In the early days of the internet normal people both consumed content online and gave back by actively participating in the creation of the web through personal websites and blogs. Today the internet is a sad sight by comparison.
Through centralization and online colonialism by a handful of companies we find ourselves in an online paradigm where few online users ever venture outside the bounds of these carefully curated walled online content gardens. This, at best results in a bland, boring, and sad online experience. At worst this results in a consumption based online experience where the population has been turned into NPCs who only log online to be told what to think and what new product to consume.
So if like so many others, you can relate to missing the early days of the internet when regular people created unique, artisanal websites, and personal blogs. Then do yourself a solid and take action today! Be a part of the solution, check out!